States of Matter - An exhibition of graphic, abstract and semi abstract sculptures by Chris Cowell and Aileen Francis
Twist, distort, warp, morph, meld, isolate, melt, solidify, vapourise…………..
Aileen and Chris use these expressive forces together with the characteristics of ‘particular’ materials to find sculptural form investigating states of matter and states that matter – the enduring and the fragile.
Aileen’s inspiration comes from the complexity of the human form in motion. A change of matter, which evolves from her love of textiles and feeds from warping states, leads Aileen to use metal as fabric, morphing between ‘the figure and the cloth, the human and the arboreal’. Her representations possess a dynamic and frequently, an animate quality.
Chris’ ‘Iceworks’ whisper of global environmental and ecological sensitivities together with elements that influence the shape of things: landmasses, ice sheets and the impact on our existence. At the same time, changes in states of matter between solid, liquid and vapour are a fascination for Chris using reclaimed industrial wastes, discards and excesses.
Aileen and Chris are a duo of sculptors sharing a common aesthetic in the presentation of form. For them, Sculpture is a force as well as the product of their thoughts, ideas and concepts.
The Corner Store Gallery - Chris Cowell
The Corner Store Gallery - Aileen Francis