Follow along the whimsical journey of suburban mayhem as our celebrated ‘Spirit of the Bush’ gets tested in a myriad of ways. Who hasn’t been marred by a creepy crawly on the picnic rug? Disturbed by an unexpected bump outside in the night? Threatened by a magpie dive-bomb?
On a small stage we fully embrace nature with her beauty and bounty - it is however a conditional love - that seasons remain predictable, that wildlife is contained on our outskirts, that natural resources can be continually commodified. The big picture is that urbanisation of landscape does indeed have consequence, it’s a battle in the bush and Mother Nature can still catch us with our pants down to sting us on the tail.
This diorama series is a progression of Jason’s artwork involving montage of his photography and graphic design. Each frame is a blend of two images - the flora and toy models positioned in the landscape in a single shot and then his original photograph of the animal/bird dropped into the set via digital editing.
Dioramas have historically been described as a “means to visually preserve nature as different environments change due to human involvement”. Unlike the antiquated versions which presented taxidermy animals and birds in realistic poses, Jason lets his camera lens capture the live models presenting a spectacle with the aim to “nurture a reverence for nature with its beauty and grandeur”.