Kayla Amos - River Trees I Regional Landscape Prize, The Corner Store Gallery_8608.JPG

Kayla Amos - River Trees I

Pippita Bennett - Sunlight on Cliffs, Leura IMG_3409.JPG

Pippita Bennett - Sunlight on Cliffs, Leura

Rhonda Campbell - The Land I Walk IMG_3414.JPG

Rhonda Campbell - The Land I Walk

Jane Canfield - Beach House 6184F731-1779-40A1-95FA-2141A5FABC39.jpeg
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Jane Canfield - Beach House

Kelly Casey - Overflow I IMG_3390.JPG

Kelly Casey - Overflow I

Jane Chacana - Autumn Drive C74E597D-DE67-40CD-B416-7DF903BC0FE0.jpeg
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Jane Chacana - Autumn Drive

Sophie Corks - The Magpie Rumour Mill IMG_3424.JPG

Sophie Corks - The Magpie Rumour Mill

Stu Doherty - Bellangry Road IMG_3370.JPG
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Stu Doherty - Bellangry Road

Jo Dunsmuir - A Sky Full of Diamonds IMG_3382.JPG
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Jo Dunsmuir - A Sky Full of Diamonds

Jane Ericksen - The Station 48C22ACD-AA34-42E3-A330-4388DDF7E0F1.jpeg

Jane Ericksen - The Station

Jo Fernandez - Mt Canobolas IMG_3423.JPG
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Jo Fernandez - Mt Canobolas

Anne-France Fulgence - Abraham’s Bosom Beach D5665A3E-FAB1-4756-B3CD-52FC5066D78B.jpeg

Anne-France Fulgence - Abraham’s Bosom Beach

Melinda Giblett - Held By This Ancient Folded Land (Spring Blooming) IMG_3430.JPG

Melinda Giblett - Held By This Ancient Folded Land (Spring Blooming)

Kim Harding - Hump Ridge Rock IMG_3381.JPG

Kim Harding - Hump Ridge Rock

Mel Hoey - Quiet Glow IMG_3443.JPG

Mel Hoey - Quiet Glow

Amanda Holman - Fun Seekers on the Rocks DD019EC3-9AC6-477E-ABE3-E97A0A591818.jpeg
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Amanda Holman - Fun Seekers on the Rocks

Christine Homes - Reasons 4C66F98D-BFC4-4D9F-9964-EF00DD6444D8.jpeg

Christine Homes - Reasons

Rhi Johnson - Pass IMG_3371.JPG

Rhi Johnson - Pass

Regional Landscape Prize, The Corner Store Gallery_8595.JPG Regional Landscape Prize, The Corner Store Gallery_8596.JPG

Jann Kesby - Winter

David Lake - The Claim - Lightning Ridge 58E21F25-BBDD-4C3B-AA52-EDF96ECA49DC.jpeg

David Lake - The Claim - Lightning Ridge

Ash Leslie - Shadow Memory 6E6D93A5-A26E-41AE-B087-A6D322FF6E1E.jpeg

Ash Leslie - Shadow Memory

Julie Lloyd - Horizons of Place IMG_3416.JPG
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Julie Lloyd - Horizons of Place

Simon Locke - After the Fire Regional Landscape Prize, The Corner Store Gallery_8603.JPG
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Simon Locke - After the Fire

Abby McCarthy - Busy Rocks at Susan AD960906-F25F-44C5-BE9F-3B2C9674B50E.jpeg
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Abby McCarthy - Busy Rocks at Susan

Rachel Melchers - Autumn Morning on Flirtation Hill IMG_3433.JPG

Rachel Melchers - Autumn Morning on Flirtation Hill

Bette Mifsud - Breathing Rain 7 A85344F7-2A6C-40DE-A499-DDDA83ED2647.jpeg

Bette Mifsud - Breathing Rain 7

Charlotte Moore - Untouched Wonder 58C0CD52-16B1-4063-A775-80F1E8B747E8.jpeg
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Charlotte Moore - Untouched Wonder

Rachel North - 33o 44’ 8’’ S, 150o 18’ 52’’ E Regional Landscape Prize, The Corner Store Gallery_8590.JPG

Rachel North - 33o 44’ 8’’ S, 150o 18’ 52’’ E

Laura Oczos - When the Sky Gives Way IMG_3431.JPG

Laura Oczos - When the Sky Gives Way

Sarah Randall - Horse Blankets IMG_3442 2.JPG

Sarah Randall - Horse Blankets

Elouise Roberts - Gentle’s Road Diptych 4E98C6DF-11E8-40D5-9903-10F9DBBA6AA1.jpeg

Elouise Roberts - Gentle’s Road Diptych

Susan Romyn - Tablelands Regional Landscape Prize, The Corner Store Gallery_8611.JPG

Susan Romyn - Tablelands

Hilary Rookyard - Rainy Days FFC0445E-E6A8-4990-8A28-D28099469680.jpeg
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Hilary Rookyard - Rainy Days

Catherine Stewart - Creek Lines on the Murrumbidgee F0E71988-8C6C-41CC-BC06-EFB80899F606.jpeg

Catherine Stewart - Creek Lines on the Murrumbidgee

Ruth Stone - Orange Does Sunsets Like no Other Place IMG_3407.JPG

Ruth Stone - Orange Does Sunsets Like no Other Place

Jane Tonks - Beyond 3A716456-F561-49D1-AF3E-1F76EAFF588E.jpeg

Jane Tonks - Beyond

Bernadette Trainor - Not Long Ago 81D9A812-2CC6-43D1-A3F9-5A164B7764BE.jpeg

Bernadette Trainor - Not Long Ago

Hannah van der Wal - Seeking Bodies of Water 8D8E22B9-6076-4186-B170-71B5A1EB2A98.jpeg

Hannah van der Wal - Seeking Bodies of Water

Kate Vella - Touched with Beauty, I Stand Still and Gaze IMG_3415.JPG

Kate Vella - Touched with Beauty, I Stand Still and Gaze

Fiona Verdouw - Find your Way 0E5E8C65-952D-4935-921B-2748083CA907.jpeg

Fiona Verdouw - Find your Way

Jo Wade - The View from the Hill IMG_3389.JPG

Jo Wade - The View from the Hill

Tracy Waite - Photos Fade But the Feeling Never Does IMG_3374.JPG
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Tracy Waite - Photos Fade But the Feeling Never Does

Anne Glendenning Walton - White Gum Gully, Bathurst 4072E068-0719-47BD-967F-F50F363521EA.jpeg

Anne Glendenning Walton - White Gum Gully, Bathurst

Patrice Wills - New Day IMG_3399.JPG

Patrice Wills - New Day

Madeleine Winch - Terra Firma VI IMG_3383.JPG
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Madeleine Winch - Terra Firma VI

Tim Winters - Pilliga Scrub... after the fires 2018 IMG_3379.JPG

Tim Winters - Pilliga Scrub... after the fires 2018

Nerida Woolley - Mendooran Shed IMG_3440.JPG
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Nerida Woolley - Mendooran Shed
