Amanda Agustin - Still Life Flat Lay 1 Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1937.JPG
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Amanda Agustin - Still Life Flat Lay 1

Pauline Bailey - Jerry’s Milk Bar: Elwood Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1940.JPG
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Pauline Bailey - Jerry’s Milk Bar: Elwood

Jennifer Baxter - Sphinx Atop the Spinifex Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1943.JPG

Jennifer Baxter - Sphinx Atop the Spinifex

Tina Bennett - Silver Teapot Reflections Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1944.JPG

Tina Bennett - Silver Teapot Reflections

Kim Bizo - French Martini with Raspberries - Sal's Tipple Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1946.JPG

Kim Bizo - French Martini with Raspberries - Sal's Tipple

Karen Brock - Lunar Lume Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1948.JPG

Karen Brock - Lunar Lume

Jules Bulleid - In The Company of Yesterday Inside+This+Box+Art+Prize%2C+The+Corner+Store+Gallery%2C+Orange+NSW_1949.jpg
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Jules Bulleid - In The Company of Yesterday

Carolyn Cabena - The Donga Inside+This+Box+Art+Prize%2C+The+Corner+Store+Gallery%2C+Orange+NSW_1950.jpg

Carolyn Cabena - The Donga

Rhonda Campbell - Whispers of the Ancient Land Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1951.JPG

Rhonda Campbell - Whispers of the Ancient Land

Jane Chacana - Golden Eastern Spinebill Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1952.JPG

Jane Chacana - Golden Eastern Spinebill

Tashi Columbro - Andrea and Soda Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1953.JPG

Tashi Columbro - Andrea and Soda

Sophie Corks - Magnolias, Mozzies, Cricket & Cockies Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1954.JPG
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Sophie Corks - Magnolias, Mozzies, Cricket & Cockies

Trish Crampton - Little Brown Ink Pot Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1955.JPG
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Trish Crampton - Little Brown Ink Pot

Daniela Cristallo - Love In a Moonface Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1956.JPG
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Daniela Cristallo - Love In a Moonface

Claire Cummack - Star of the Show Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1957.JPG
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Claire Cummack - Star of the Show

Anna Davi - Spontaneous Sky Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1958.JPG
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Anna Davi - Spontaneous Sky

Andrew Duffin - Purple Haze Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1963.JPG

Andrew Duffin - Purple Haze

Leslie Duffin - Pigeon Pair Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1964.JPG

Leslie Duffin - Pigeon Pair

Jo Dunsmuir - Spring Shadow Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1965.JPG

Jo Dunsmuir - Spring Shadow

Isabelle Emerson - Tea Packaging Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1966.JPG
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Isabelle Emerson - Tea Packaging

Amy Erbacher - Bright Side of Life Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1967.JPG

Amy Erbacher - Bright Side of Life

Sophie Farquhar - Onwards Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1968.JPG

Sophie Farquhar - Onwards

Jo Fernandez - Life's a Bowl of Cherries Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1969 2.JPG

Jo Fernandez - Life's a Bowl of Cherries

Ann Gordon - In the Palm of Papatura (Solomon Islands) Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1974 2.JPG

Ann Gordon - In the Palm of Papatura (Solomon Islands)

Michèle Heibel - Morning Roo Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1976 2.JPG

Michèle Heibel - Morning Roo

Narelle Higson - Fleeting Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1977 2.JPG

Narelle Higson - Fleeting

Ree Hodges - Grounded Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1978 3.JPG

Ree Hodges - Grounded

Eve Hoskins - Snuggling Asparagus Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1980 2.JPG

Eve Hoskins - Snuggling Asparagus

Greta Hounslow - Kangaroo Country Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1981 2.JPG

Greta Hounslow - Kangaroo Country

Tenyka Jay - At Rest Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1983 2.JPG

Tenyka Jay - At Rest

Nicola Jones - Morning Peaches Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1929.JPG

Nicola Jones - Morning Peaches

Cassandra Kirk - Illusionary View Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1985 2.JPG

Cassandra Kirk - Illusionary View

Eliza Koch - Lemon Tart for One Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1986 2.JPG
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Eliza Koch - Lemon Tart for One

Damon Kowarsky - Gulumada Landscape Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1988 2.JPG

Damon Kowarsky - Gulumada Landscape

Linda Kruger - Table Set Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1989 2.JPG
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Linda Kruger - Table Set

Jo Langley - Knol Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1990 2.JPG

Jo Langley - Knol

Yani Lenehan - Prickly Prawn Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1992 2.JPG

Yani Lenehan - Prickly Prawn

Marissa Lico - Street Corner Stories Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1993 2.JPG

Marissa Lico - Street Corner Stories

Leree Lindsay - Summer Gardenias Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1994 2.JPG
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Leree Lindsay - Summer Gardenias

Luanne Mitchelmore - Passing by the Blue House: Coiurrarong Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1995 2.JPG

Luanne Mitchelmore - Passing by the Blue House: Coiurrarong

Tavia Lyons - Caleula Range in Summer Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1996.JPG

Tavia Lyons - Caleula Range in Summer

Natalie Martin - Dancing with the Moonah Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1997.JPG

Natalie Martin - Dancing with the Moonah

Heidi Maunder - Sweet Nothing Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1998.JPG
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Heidi Maunder - Sweet Nothing

Fran Max - Howie’s Big Adventure Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1999.JPG
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Fran Max - Howie’s Big Adventure

Clare McCartney - A Quiet Spot Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2001.JPG

Clare McCartney - A Quiet Spot

Heather Menzies - Lobster Beach Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2003.JPG

Heather Menzies - Lobster Beach

Charlotte Moore - Cool Waters Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2005.JPG

Charlotte Moore - Cool Waters

Libby Moore - You Look Stunning! Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2006.JPG

Libby Moore - You Look Stunning!

Nerrida Parfitt - After Hours Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2009.JPG
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Nerrida Parfitt - After Hours

Sarah Park - Parrot's Spring Symphony Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2010.JPG

Sarah Park - Parrot's Spring Symphony

Stephanie Perrins - Table of Plenty Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2011.JPG

Stephanie Perrins - Table of Plenty

Chris Proctor - I am a long way from home Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_1935.JPG
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Chris Proctor - I am a long way from home

Amy Raymond - Weekend Wash Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2012.JPG
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Amy Raymond - Weekend Wash

Katie Sandison - Mr Waggs in Take Off Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2015.JPG

Katie Sandison - Mr Waggs in Take Off

Justin Sayarath - Hedge House on Larrabee Street Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2016.JPG

Justin Sayarath - Hedge House on Larrabee Street

Jan Spencer - Xanthorrhoea, Greg John's sculpture site, Davenport Road, Palmer, South Australia Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2019.JPG
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Jan Spencer - Xanthorrhoea, Greg John's sculpture site, Davenport Road, Palmer, South Australia

Bridget Steer - From the Neighbours Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2020.JPG
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Bridget Steer - From the Neighbours

Fleur Stevenson - Dream Lands Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2021.JPG
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Fleur Stevenson - Dream Lands

Jodi Thompson - Gwen Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2022.JPG

Jodi Thompson - Gwen

Fiona Thorning - Sippy Downs, 4am Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2023.JPG

Fiona Thorning - Sippy Downs, 4am

Jane Tonks - Ophir Road, Awash with Gold Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2024.JPG

Jane Tonks - Ophir Road, Awash with Gold

Bernadette Trainor - Platter for Two Inside+This+Box+Art+Prize%2C+The+Corner+Store+Gallery%2C+Orange+NSW_2025.jpg

Bernadette Trainor - Platter for Two

Amanda Twyford - Can you hear the waves? Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2027.JPG

Amanda Twyford - Can you hear the waves?

Maryellen van der Vegt - Scribbles Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2028.JPG

Maryellen van der Vegt - Scribbles

Fiona Verdouw - With Complements Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2029.JPG
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Fiona Verdouw - With Complements

Tracy Waite - Echo Drift Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2030.JPG

Tracy Waite - Echo Drift

Vanessa Wallace - Statice & Ceramic Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2031.JPG

Vanessa Wallace - Statice & Ceramic

Alex Watts - Lost in the Dunes Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2032.JPG
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Alex Watts - Lost in the Dunes

Nerida Woolley - Peel Island Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2035.JPG
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Nerida Woolley - Peel Island

Sarah Yee - Turbulence Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2036.JPG

Sarah Yee - Turbulence

Martine Zajacek - Riverbend Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2037.JPG
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Martine Zajacek - Riverbend

Mary Zammit - Horizon's Edge Inside This Box Art Prize, The Corner Store Gallery, Orange NSW_2038.JPG

Mary Zammit - Horizon's Edge
